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Peter Strohschneider on 10 Years National Academy

Peter Strohschneider on 10 Years National Academy

Image: DFG

“In its short ten-year history as the German National Academy of Sciences the Leopoldina has been able to gain remarkable influence and prestige – because it articulates what science reliably knows, what capabilities and opportunities arise from scientific findings, but also admits what it does not know, not hesitating to reveal what it considers suspicious or implicitly risky.”


Prof. Dr. Peter Strohschneider

President of the German Research Foundation, member of the Leopoldina and member of the Senate of the Leopoldina

The Leopoldina traditionally works in close cooperation with the German Research Foundation. For example, they have formed a joint committee dealing with the handling of security-relevant research. Additionally, the member of the Leopoldina Peter Strohschneider is also a representative member of the Leopoldina’s Senate.