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Professor Dr

Martin Claußen

Year of election: 2003
Section: Earth Sciences
City: Hamburg
Country: Germany
CV Martin Claußen - German (PDF)


Martin Claußen pioneered climate and Earth system modelling by demonstrating that climate-vegetation interaction is one of the important processes to explain past climate variations. In particular, Claußen investigated the expansion and retreat of the Sahara in the course of glacial-interglacial cycles. Claußen was the first to successfully predict a much reduced or “green” Sahara” in the early and mid Holocene, several thousand years ago, and the fast expansion of more desert-like conditions some 5000 years ago. This work has stimulated many palaeoclimate modellers and palaeoclimatologists to search for “hot spots” of atmosphere-biosphere interaction in all climate zones.




Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 35
06108 Halle (Saale)

Phone 0345 - 47 239 - 122
Fax 0345 - 47 239 - 149
E-Mail archiv (at)leopoldina.org

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