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Events Relating to the Topic

Scientists from various disciplines work and debate on the topic of biodiversity: biology, medicine, ethics, theology, law, and social sciences. They also exchange ideas at various events and thereby reach the interested public.

Biodiversity and the future of diversity
Leopoldina Annual Assembly, Halle (Saale), September 24th-25th, 2021
At the 2021 Annual Assembly in Halle (Saale), scientists will discuss the importance of biological diversity and how to preserve it in the future. The scientific coordinator is biologist Prof. Dr. Ulf-Ingo Flügge, Head of the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Section of the Leopoldina. To the event   To the Video (YouTube)

Wie retten wir die Artenvielfalt?
Eine Interaktive Diskussion über den Wert der Biodiversität, Livestream, 2. Juli 2021
Schwerpunkte sind Fragen der Agrarumweltförderung und der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) der Europäischen Union, des Naturschutzes im landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb, eines Gesellschaftsvertrages für die Landwirtschaft bzw. die Biodiversität sowie der Preisgestaltung und des Verbraucherverhaltens bei Lebensmitteln. Die Leopoldina führt die Online-Diskussion gemeinsam mit Wissenschaft im Dialog durch. To the event (German) To the Video (YouTube)

Agrarlandschaft ohne Insekten? Wie die deutsche Agrarpolitik gegensteuern kann
18. Leopoldina-Lecture in Herrenhausen, 30. März 2021
In der Leopoldina-Lecture soll der Zustand der biologischen Vielfalt, ihre vielfältigen Funktionen sowie die Möglichkeiten zum Stoppen des weiteren Biodiversitätsverlustes beleuchtet und diskutiert werden. To the event (German)

Wie retten wir die Artenvielfalt?
Eine interaktive Diskussion über Biodiversität und Landwirtschaft, 20. Januar 2021
Leitthemen der Diskussion sind der Zusammenhang von Landwirtschaft und Biodiversität, die Ursachen für den Rückgang der biologischen Vielfalt sowie ökonomische, politische, rechtliche und gesellschaftliche Stellschrauben für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und den Schutz der Artenvielfalt. Die Leopoldina führt die Online-Diskussion gemeinsam mit Wissenschaft im Dialog durch. To the event (German)   To the Video (YouTube)

Rettet Mortimer!
Virtual puppet theatre, July 2020
The play “Rettet Mortimer!” is written in the style of a detective story and explains to children which role honey bees play in our ecosystem and how humans influence it. The play is suitable for children from the age of four and is available as an online video. To the event (German)

Sustainable strategies for the world of tomorrow
Lectures at the SILBERSALZ-Festival 2020, Halle (Saale), June 19th, 2020
Renowned experts from the fields of science, research, and economics speak about the planet's state and our common future. They provide food for thought on how problems in the areas of biodiversity, climate, and pandemics could be solved. The lectures were transmitted via Livestream and are available as videos. To the event

Biodiversity, agriculture and artificial intelligence – how do they go together?
Commons debate as part of the Leopoldina Nacht 2019, Halle (Saale), July 5th, 2019
At the event organized jointly with Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD) as part of Leopoldina Night 2019, the audience will engage in discussions with scientists on the question of whether nature conservation, green genetic engineering or agricultural robotics can halt the species decline. As in the British House of Commons, their choice of seat indicates the opinion of the audience. To the event (German)

Biodiversity – The return of large wildlife
Joint spring reception, Halle (Saale), April 5th, 2019
Prof. Dr. Stephanie Kramer-Schadt and Prof. Dr. Tobias Kümmerle highlight the importance of large wildlife such as wolf, lynx, bison, and elk for ecosystems and illustrate current trends and potentials regarding the return of these animals to Germany and Europe. They address the question of whether large wildlife has a future in our human-dominated landscapes. To the event (German)

Species decline in our cultural landscape: What do we really know and what can we do?
The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities and the German Academy of Science and Engineering acatech present the interim status of their recommendations on how to improve the situation of biodiversity in the agricultural landscape. To the event (German)

Ocean, Cryosphere and Humanity: Valuing alien nature
Evening lecture by Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius in the context of the Leopoldina Annual Assembly, Halle (Saale), September 21th, 2018
The lecture of Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius ML summarizes recent observations of changes in polar and deep-sea ecosystems and discusses concepts, strategies, and rationales for the protection of the Earth's uncharted nature as part of sustainable human development. It identifies the role of national academies in the political debate on the urgency of decisions and actions. To the event    To the video (Youtube)

No place for wild animals? The future of large wildlife fauna in Europe and the world
Lecture, Frankfurt am Main, January 31th, 2018
The lecture by Dr. Carsten Nowak, Dr. Christof Schenck and Axel Gomille as part of the event series “The future has already begun - scientific solutions, ideas and utopias for a planet worth living on” addresses the issue of protecting large wild animals in Europe and on other continents such as Africa and Asia. To the event. To the event (German)