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Nova Acta Leopoldina Band 110 Nummer 377

Dank Die Autoren danken ihren Koautoren für die Erlaubnis, bereits publiziertes Material (aus MüLLER et al. 2008, CURIO et al. 2007, KüBLER und MüLLER 2007, BLANKERTz et al. 2010a) zu benutzen. Für ihre langjährige Förderung des BBCI sei den Institutionen BMBF, EU und DFG gedankt. Literatur BIRBAUMER, N., GHANAyIM, N., HINTERBERGER, T., IVERSEN, I., KOTCHOUBEy, B., KüBLER, A., PERELMOUTER, J., TAUB, E., and FLOR, H.: A spelling device for the paralysed. Nature 398, 297–298 (1999) BLANKERTz, B., DORNHEGE, G., KRAULEDAT, M., MüLLER, K. R., and CURIO, G.: The non-invasive Berlin Brain-Com- puter Interface: Fast acquisition of effective performance in untrained subjects. NeuroImage 37, 539–550 (2007) BLANKERTz, B., DORNHEGE, G., LEMM, S., KRAULEDAT, M., CURIO, G., and MüLLER, K. R.: The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Machine learning based detection of user specific brain states. J. Universal. Computer Sci. 12/6, 581– 607 (2006) BLANKERTz, B., DORNHEGE, G., SCHäFER, C., KREPKI, R., KOHLMORGEN, J., MüLLER, K. R., KUNzMANN, V., LOSCH, F., and CURIO, G.: Boosting bit rates and error detection for the classification of fast-paced motor commands based on single-trial EEG analysis. IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng. 11, 127–131 (2003) BLANKERTz, B., LOSCH, F., KRAULEDAT, M., DORNHEGE, G., CURIO, G., and MüLLER, K. R.: The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Accurate performance from first-session in BCI-naive subjects. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 55/10, 2452– 2462 (2008a) BLANKERTz, B., SANNELLI, C., HALDER, S., HAMMER, E.-M., KüBLER, A., MüLLER, K.-R., CURIO, G., and DICKHAUS, T.: Neurophysiological predictor of SMR-based BCI performance. Neuroimage 51/4, 1303–1309 (2010b) BLANKERTz, B., TANGERMANN, M., VIDAURRE, C., FAzLI, S., SANNELLI, C., HAUFE, S., MAEDER, C., RAMSEy, L., CURIO, G., and MüLLER, K.-R.: Non-medical user of BCI technology. Frontiers in Neuroprosthetics doi: 10.3389/fnins. 2010.00198 BLANKERTz, B., TOMIOKA, R., LEMM, S., KAWANABE, M., and MüLLER, K. R.: Optimizing spatial filters for robust EEG single-trial analysis. IEEE Sig. Proc. Mag. 25/1, 41–56 (2008b) BüNAU, P. VON, MEINECKE, F. C., KIRALy, F., and MüLLER, K. R.: Finding stationary subspaces in multivariate time series. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 214101 (2009) CONRADI, J., BLANKERTz, B., TANGERMANN, M., KUNzMANN, V., and CURIO, G.: Brain-computer interfacing in tetraplegic patients with high spinal cord injury. Int. J. Bioelectromagnetism 11/2, 65–68 (2009) CUI, R. Q., HUTER, D., LANG, W., and DEECKE, L.: Neuroimage of voluntary movement: topography of the Be- reitschaftspotential, a 64-channel DC current source density study. Neuroimage 9/1, 124–134 (1999) CURIO, C., BLANKERTz, B., und MüLLER, K. R.: Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI): Forschen an der Schnittstelle zwi- schen Gehirn und Maschine. In: Festschrift zum Centennial der Deutschen Neurologischen Gesellschaft. S. 125– 127 (2007) DORNHEGE, G., MILLáN, J. DEL R., HINTERBERGER, T., MCFARLAND, D., and MüLLER, K. R. (Eds.): Toward Brain- Computer Interfacing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 2007 FAzLI, S., DANóCzy, M., KAWANABE, M., and POPESCU, F.: Asynchronous, adaptive BCI using movement imagination training and rest-state inference. In: IASTED’s Proceedings on Artificial Intelligence & Applications 2008, 85–90 (2008) FAzLI, S., POPESCU, F., DONACzy, M., BLANKERTz, B., MüLLER, K. R., and GROzEA, C.: Subject independent mental state classification in single trials. Neural Networks 22/9, 1305–1312 (2009) GERSON, A., PARRA, L., and SAJDA, P.: Cortically coupled computer vision for rapid image search. IEEE Trans. Neural. Syst. Rehabil. Eng. 14/2, 174–179 (2006) GROSSE-WENTRUP, G., GRAMANN, K., and BUSS, M.: Adaptive spatial filters with predefined region of interest for EEG based brain-computer-interfaces. In: SCHöLKOPF, B., PLATT, J., and HOFFMAN, T. (Eds.): Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, 537–544 (2007) HAyNES, J. D., and REES, G.: Decoding mental states from brain activity in humans. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 7/7, 523– 534 (2006) HAyNES, J., SAKAI, K., REES, G., GILBERT, S., and FRITH, C.: Reading hidden intentions in the human brain. Curr. Biol. 17, 323–328 (2007) Forschen an einer neuen Schnittstelle zum Gehirn: Das Berliner Brain-Computer-Interface Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 110, Nr. 377, 235–257 (2011) 255