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Seasonal Rhythms

More 'Seasonal Rhythms'

Joint symposium by the Dr. Senckenbergische Stiftung Frankfurt am Main and the Leopoldina in the framework of the 28th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists.

Date: Thursday, 25 August 2016
Time: 13:00 to 19:00
Location: KU Leuven, Parkstrat 45, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

Life on earth follows distinct rhythms. In addition to circadian rhythms, seasonal rhythms govern essential functions (metabolism, reproduction, immune response) of plants and animals. Also humans show seasonal variation in well-being and health. Seasonal rhythms affect ecosystems with consequences for biodiversity and mankind. Climate change modifies seasonal rhythms to which many species have adapted over thousands of years. Thus, seasonal rhythms are of high biomedical, ecological and social relevance. During the symposium internationally renowned scientists will present novel data and concepts on the mechanisms underlying the regulation of seasonal rhythms and discuss their impact on individuals and societies. 

The symposium is organised by Leopoldina member Prof. Dr Horst-Werner Korf.


Towards understanding the mechanism of seasonal time measurement
Prof. Dr. Takashi Yoshimura, Nagoya, Japan

Looking inside the seasonal clock
Prof. Dr. Andrew Loudon, Manchester U.K.

What makes a mammal a seasonal breader?
Prof. Dr. Valerie Simonneaux, Strasbourg, France

Seasonal timekeeping as a neurodevelopmental process
Prof. Dr. David Hazlerigg, Tromsö, Norway

Synchronization of seasonal functions by photoperiodic changes. With or without melatonin
Prof. Dr. Paul Pevet, Strasbourg, France

Signaling pathways to and from the pars tuberalis
Prof. Dr. Horst-Werner Korf, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Non-24h sleep wake disorder in relation to different light conditions

Prof. Dr. Jo Arendt, Guildford UK

Seasonal variation in human brain function
Prof. Dr. Gilles Vandewalle, Liege, Belgium

Seasonal rhythms in affective disorders
Prof. Dr. Anna Wirz-Justice, Basel, Switzerland

Grafik: Barbara und Helmut Wicht, Frankfurt am Main

Further information and registration

The symposium addresses a specialist audience. It is free of charge. For registration, please, write an email to the organiser Prof. Dr Horst Werner Korf (contact details below). For further information on the symposium visit the

Website of the Symposium


Prof. Dr Horst-Werner Korf
Goethe University Frankfurt
Dr. Senckenbergisches Chronomeditinisches Institut
Tel.: +49 (0) 69 6301 6040
email: korf@em.uni-frankfurt.de
