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G7 and G20 Policy Advice

G7 Statements 2023

In preparation for the G7 Summit of Heads of State and Government in May 2023, the science academies of the G7 states, under the leadership of the Science Council of Japan, have developed joint statements. Illustrating possible courses of action, the academies appeal to the G7 governments to address these issues at this year’s May G7 Summit. The G7 summit took place in Hiroshima, Japan from 19 to 21 May 2023.

Multiple crises
In their statements, the G7 science academies identify three major current challenges: the consequences of anthropogenic (human-made) climate change, the socioeconomic impact and health implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. These three converging and mutually reinforcing crises highlight the urgent need for action. With regard to climate change, there are currently significant shortfalls in meeting the Paris climate goals: both in terms of the pledges to mitigate climate change and in terms of delivering the necessary reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The statements explain that rapid and decisive action is needed to address multiple crises and to advance the development of more resilient societies.

Ageing societies
The proportion of the world’s population aged 65 or above is expected to increase from 10% to 16% by 2050. Entering this major demographic transition, there is a need to achieve a society in which an increasing number of people can enjoy health, well-being, and independence throughout their lifespans to the fullest extent. While it has been well established that maintaining an appropriate environment, physical activity, and social interactions is beneficial in reducing the likelihood of developing age-related diseases, our understanding of the underlying biological mechanisms is still insufficient to develop effective and personalized prevention strategies. This is one of the reasons, according to the S7 Academies, that more investment is needed to promote aging science or “Geroscience”.

The ocean and its biodiversity
The ocean is a global, interconnected body of saltwater and covers approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface. The ocean’s biodiversity consists of complex systems. Researching their mechanisms, including the long-term perspective of evolution, is crucial to understanding the effects of human intervention in the marine ecosystem and its biodiversity. It is therefore crucial to foster joint, long-term efforts, for example expanding international databases and observation networks as well as training suitable experts.



Dr. Ruth Narmann

Head of International Relations Department

Phone 030 - 241 8987 - 473
Fax 0345 - 47 239 - 838
E-Mail ruth.narmann (at)leopoldina.org