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Ada Yonath on 10 Years National Academy

Ada Yonath on 10 Years National Academy

“The highly prestigious Leopoldina Academy, established 366 years ago and originally known as 'Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina', was declared in 2008 as the national academy of Germany, relates to vital matters of universal perspective. As a universal association it encourages profound exploration in matters of particular significance for global implications of scientific, medical and intellectual concepts.”


Prof. Dr. Ada Yonath

Nobel laureate in chemistry and Leopoldina Member

The Nobel Laureate Ada Yonath is a member of the Leopoldina since 2013. Already before, she maintained a close exchange with the academy. As professor of structural chemistry at the Weizmann Institute, Israel she focuses her research on the molecular structure of ribosomes and on the effects of antibiotics.



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