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Professor Dr

Henning Dralle

Year of election: 2002
Section: Surgery, Orthopaedics and Anaesthesiology
City: Halle
Country: Germany


Henning Dralle is distinguished for many important scientific contributions to endocrine surgery and surgical oncology. Starting with his experimental and clinical studies at the department of surgery at Medical School Hannover the majority of medical research have been made since 1994 at the University Department of Surgery in Halle (Saale), Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg.

Based on his fundamental and original studys on genotype-phenotype correlations in hereditary thyroid carcinoma, and surgical oncology in endocrine tumors his institution developed into a world-renowned center of endocrine surgery.

Image: Private




Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 35
06108 Halle (Saale)

Phone 0345 - 47 239 - 122
Fax 0345 - 47 239 - 149
E-Mail archiv (at)leopoldina.org

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