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Prof. Dr.

Sir Michael F. Atiyah

Year of election: 1977
Section: Mathematik
City: Edinburgh
Country: Großbritannien


Sir Michael Atiyah has contributed to a wide range of topics in mathematics centring round the interaction of geometry and analysis. Over the past thirty years he has also been influential in developing cooperation between mathematicians and physicists.

He was educated at Cambridge University and held positions in Cambridge, Oxford and Princeton, ending his career as the Master of Trinity College Cambridge. He is now an honorary professor at the University of Edinburgh.

He is a member of around twenty national academies and has been awarded more than forty honorary degrees. He also has many medals and prizes, including the Fields Medal (1966), the Feltrinelli Prize (1981) and the Abel Prize (2004). He was appointed Grand Officier of the Legion d'Honneur in 2011.




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06108 Halle (Saale)

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