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A net zero climate-resilient future – science, technology and the solutions for change (2021)

G7 statement

(2021, 3 pages)

Climate neutrality by 2050 requires an evidence-based technology roadmap that is informed and continuously updated by all the sciences, the G7 Academies write in their statement, “A net zero climate-resilient future – science, technology and the solutions for change”. In addition, necessary investments in research and development in the public and private sectors must be accelerated, and jointly agreed economic incentives created, the experts recommend. They also call for supporting middle- and low-income countries on the road to climate neutrality.


Dr. Ruth Narmann

Head of International Relations Department

Phone 030 - 241 8987 - 473
Fax 0345 - 47 239 - 838
E-Mail ruth.narmann (at)leopoldina.org