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Leopoldina news 01/2011



Content: Recommendations on preimplantation genetic diagnosis - Ad-hoc statement by the Leopoldina favours allowing this diagnostic procedure subject to strict conditions

  • Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker was honoured for his service to the Academy
  • Health research is this year’s topic - The Leopoldina will take part in the Year of Science 2011 by offering many activities
  • The EASAC office in Brussels has been in existence for one year - The independent scientific expertise of the National Academies is to be made accessible for EU institutions
  • FEAM: Mental health has been neglected


Daniela Weber

Editor Newsletter and Project Manager, Science Course for Journalists

Phone 0345 47 239 - 801
Fax 0345 47 239 - 809
E-Mail presse(at)leopoldina.org