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Leopoldina news 02/2012



Content: Leopoldina celebrates inauguration of new headquarters

  • Leopoldina sponsor Berthold Beitz awarded the Emperor Leopold I Medal
  • Cooperation agreements signed with India and South Korea
  • Leopoldina gives recommendations to the G8 summit in Camp David
  • www.leopoldina.org has a new look
  • IAP and IAC executive boards meet in Halle
  • Leopoldina furthers commitment to German-Russian cooperation
  • Dealing with uncertainties - At a symposium in March, Leopoldina Class I discussed how natural science and technology can help humanity tackle global change 
  • New members of Class I receive certificates


Daniela Weber

Editor Newsletter and Project Manager, Science Course for Journalists

Phone 0345 47 239 - 801
Fax 0345 47 239 - 809
E-Mail presse(at)leopoldina.org