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Darwin Badge

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”, the Presidium decided at the Leopoldina Annual Assembly in 1959 to award a Darwin Badge to 18 of the world’s leading geneticists and evolutionary scientists “who have performed outstanding work to further develop Darwin’s ideas and shed light on the great mysteries of evolution.”

Image: Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina

Image: Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Darwin’s main publication, the Leopoldina awarded the Darwin Badge for a second time in its history. In 2009, the exceptional evolutionary scientist and Academy member Svante Pääbo received the honor for the breakthroughs he achieved in the fields of evolution and anthropology.

Year Laureate City Discipline
2009 Svante Pääbo (born 1955) Leipzig
1959 Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900 - 1975) Davis
1959 Nikolaj P. Dubinin (1905 - 1998) Moskau
1959 Sir Roland Aylmer Fisher (1890 - 1962) Cambridge
1959 Åke Gustafsson (1908 - 1988) Lund
1959 Hitoshi Kihara (1893 - 1986) Misima
1959 Gustav Heinrich Ralph von Koenigswald (1902 - 1982) Utrecht
1959 Alfred Kühn (1885 - 1968) Tübingen
1959 Arne Müntzing (1903 - 1984) Lund
1959 Hermann Joseph Muller (1890 - 1967) Bloomington
1959 Otto Renner (1883 - 1960) Munich
1959 Bernhard Rensch (1900 - 1990) Münster/Westf.
1959 Elisabeth Schiemann (1881 - 1972) Berlin
1959 Ivan Ivanovic Schmalhausen (1884 - 1963) Moskau
1959 George Simpson (1902 - 1984) New York
1959 Hans Stubbe (1902 - 1989) Gatersleben
1959 Nikolaj V. Timofeev-Resovskij (1900 - 1981) Obninsk
1959 Erich Tschermak von Seysenegg (1871 - 1962) Vienna
1959 Sergej S. Tschetverikov (1880 - 1959) Gorkij/Wolga

The scientific achievements of the Darwin Badge winners are listed in: Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. No. 143, Leipzig 1959, pp. 25–28; bibliographies and portraits ibid., pp. 245–310.



Dr. Jörg Beineke

Senior Scientific Coordinator

Phone 0345 47 239 - 954
Fax 0345 47 239 - 919
E-Mail joerg.beineke (at)leopoldina.org