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Professor Dr

Hans Rott

Year of election: 2014
Section: Philosophy of Science
City: Regensburg
Country: Germany


Hans Rott has made contributions to the field of philosophical logic, the results of which he applied to various problems of epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of language and knowledge representation. He is most well-known for his work on formal models of belief change where he made use of methods and results of the theory of rational choice. He thus opened up new perspectives on the question of whether problems of belief formation and reasoning – that so far have mostly regarded as purely theoretical - can be regarded as matters of practical rationality.




Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 35
06108 Halle (Saale)

Phone 0345 - 47 239 - 122
Fax 0345 - 47 239 - 149
E-Mail archiv (at)leopoldina.org

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