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News | Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Science academies present statements for G7 summit

Science academies present statements for G7 summit

Picture: Adobe Stock / WrightStudio

In preparation for the G7 Summit of Heads of State and Government, which is expected to take place in autumn 2020, the science academies of the G7 countries and six other countries have prepared joint statements under the leadership of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. This year, the academies are focusing on digital health, global insect decline and biodiversity loss, and the importance of basic research as a driver of scientific progress. In addition, the academies have published an ad-hoc statement on international cooperation in the fight against the COVID 19 pandemic. The summit was initially planned to take place in June as a virtual meeting.

The joint statements of the academies of science are available at the following links:

The academies held multiple consultation sessions to agree on the recommendations provided, which will be published leading up to the G7 summit. Providing advice for the annual summit of the G7 countries is a strategic responsibility that forms a core part of the Leopoldina’s international policy advice work. Together with the other G7 academies, the Leopoldina identifies issues with scientific relevance that fit into the summit’s agenda while also broadening the political focus. Since 2017, the National Academies have engaged in similar dialogue for the G20 summits. As part of this year’s Science 20 consultations, the academies of sciences also addressed an urgent call for global solidarity to the extraordinary virtual summit of the G20 heads of state and government held on 26 March.