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News | Thursday, 5 December 2013

Leopoldina signs cooperation agreement with Israeli National Academy

Leopoldina signs cooperation agreement with Israeli National Academy

Ruth Arnon and Jörg Hacker. Image: Jan Nissen for the Leopoldina.

The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities will work together even more closely in the future. Professor Ruth Arnon, president of the Israeli National Academy, and Leopoldina president Professor Jörg Hacker signed the pertinent cooperation agreement on 1 December in Jerusalem. The agreement serves to supplement and strengthen an already existing relationship.

The newly signed agreement between The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Leopoldina provides for collaborative work on scientific position statements as well as the organizing of further joint conferences, seminars and colloquia. Integrating young scientists and researchers from both countries into the proceedings will be a special focus.

“International collaboration with associate academies is very important for us because the challenges for which we seek and propose solutions are global in nature and are best surmounted in a concerted effort”, said Jörg Hacker. The signing of the agreement by the academy presidents took place within the framework of the joint symposium “Stability and Plasticity:  Advances in Understanding Neuronal Representations” that opened in Jerusalem yesterday.

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