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News | Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Coronavirus: G7 and G20 academies call for international cooperation

Coronavirus: G7 and G20 academies call for international cooperation

Picture: AdobeStock / rcfotostock

In view of the global spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the National Academies of Sciences of the G7 countries are calling to advance international cooperation to the COVID-19 pandemic. The current situation makes global scientific exchange, international cooperation regarding the development of drugs and vaccines, and the coordinated and evidence-based development of health policy measures more urgent than ever before.

Within the framework of this year's Science20 consultations, the science academies of the G20 countries have also made an urgent appeal for international cooperation to the extraordinary virtual meeting of the G20 heads of state and government held on March 26, 2020.
Advising the annual G7 and G20 summits is a key element within Leopoldina's international policy advice strategy. Leopoldina experts played a crucial role in the preparation of these statements.