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Publications on the Topic of Pandemics

Members of the Leopoldina and other experts engage in an intensive exchange on the topic of infectious diseases and pandemics, such as Corona or Ebola. The results of this interdisciplinary discussion lead to publications that are available both in print and in digital form.

"Global Health Approach for Infectious Diseases – A Proposal for the Next Decade" (2024)
The recent COVID-19 pandemic served as a stark reminder of the profound and far-reaching consequences that emerging diseases can impose on healthcare systems, economies, and social fabric. The COVID-19 pandemic further elevated the importance of scientific collaboration, innovation, and transdisciplinary approaches to mitigate the effects of infectious diseases. The conference brief “Global Health Approach for Infectious Diseases – A Proposal for the Next Decade” elucidates a blueprint for a global health approach. The conference brief strongly advocates for the advancement of global health research, exemplified by greater societal collaboration in data collection and sharing, as well as equitable access to vaccines. The authors of the conference brief emphasise the importance of cooperation to achieve the common goal of building a resilient and sustainable future for global health. The urgent need for collaborative efforts and evidence-based policies to address the challenges of current and future infectious disease threats, is highlighted. The publication is the result of an African-German workshop convened in May 2023. The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), the Académie Nationale des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal (ANSTS), and the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences (EAS) jointly hosted the workshop on "Infectious Diseases beyond COVID-19" at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin, Germany. Direct link to PDF

“The Need for a One Health Approach to Zoonotic Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance”, Official G7-Statement (2022)
The One Health approach is a multisectoral and transdisciplinary approach, based on the understanding that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants and the wider environment is closely linked and interdependent. The disruption of global ecosystems fosters the emergence of human pathogens from animal populations and vice versa (“zoonotic diseases”). Furthermore, the most effective means to treat infectious diseases, namely antimicrobial drugs (e.g. antibiotics), is losing effectiveness due to increasing antimicrobial resistance (AMR). In order to address these global problems, the G7 Academies call for concrete actions to implement the One Health approach globally, the use of new digital technologies for the prevention and control of zoonotic diseases and AMR, and fostering research and development focused on One Health. Direct link to PDF

“The Covid-19 Pandemic: Basic Insights from Basic Mathematical Models”, NAL-live | 2022.3 (2022)
During the Covid-19 pandemic, scientists have been describing the spread of the virus with different kinds of theoretical models. While some of these models are challenging to understand in detail, they typically are based on a core of a few classical epidemiological models that are also accessible to non-experts. In this article, we discuss several of these classical models and highlight important conclusions that can be drawn from them. We are convinced that an understanding of these models can crucially contribute to the public acceptance of governmental interventions and to more informed discussions about upcoming decisions. The media often depicts mathematical models as complicated black boxes that only a few experts can master. While the development and analysis of mathematical models indeed requires the expertise of specialists, we believe that our society can understand many aspects of these models and of the theoretical basics of infectious disease dynamics. Direct link to PDF

“Coronavirus-Pandemie: Klare und konsequente Maßnahmen - sofort!”, Stellungnahme der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina (2021)
Die 10. Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme zur Coronavirus-Pandemie erscheint in der Reihe von Ad-hoc-Stellungnahmen, mit denen die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina in den vergangenen zwei Jahren Empfehlungen zu medizinischen, psychologischen, sozialen, ethischen, rechtlichen, pädagogischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesundheits- sowie bildungspolitischen Aspekten gegeben hat. Das Papier konzentriert sich auf dringend notwendige Maßnahmen mit dem Ziel, die vierte Infektionswelle schnell und effizient einzudämmen. Direct Link to PDF

“Antivirale Wirkstoffe gegen SARS-CoV-2: Aktueller Stand und Ansätze zur verbesserten Vorbereitung auf zukünftige Pandemien”, Stellungnahme der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina (2021)
Die Verfügbarkeit hochwirksamer Impfstoffe gegen SARS-CoV-2 stellt einen großen Fortschritt in der Bewältigung der Coronavirus-Pandemie dar. Dennoch besteht weiterhin Handlungsbedarf bei der Entwicklung von antiviralen Medikamenten. Zum einen sind wirksame und kostengünstige antivirale Medikamente speziell gegen COVID-19 erforderlich. Zum anderen sollten mit Blick auf künftige Pandemien breit wirksame Medikamente entwickelt werden, die gegen verschiedene Arten einer Virusfamilie wirken. Darauf weist die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina in ihrer Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme „Antivirale Wirkstoffe gegen SARS-CoV-2: Aktueller Stand und Ansätze zur verbesserten Vorbereitung auf zukünftige Pandemien“ hin. Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler erläutern in der Publikation, warum es derartiger Wirkstoffe bedarf, wie diese identifiziert und entwickelt werden und welche Organisationsstrukturen dafür notwendig sind. Direct Link to PDF

“Pandemic preparedness and the role of science”, Statement of the G20 Science Academies (2021)
In the run-up to the summit of the G20 nations on October 30 and 31, 2021, in Rome/Italy, the science academies of these nations (Science20 Dialogue), including the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, have published the joint statement “Pandemic preparedness and the role of science”. It contains recommendations – based on the experience of the response to COVID-19 – for improved pandemic preparedness in the future. The statement was prepared in virtual meetings under the leadership of the Italian Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and with the participation of members of the Leopoldina. Direkt Link to PDF

“Ökonomische Konsequenzen der Coronavirus-Pandemie – Diagnosen und Handlungsoptionen”, Statement of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2021)
Die Coronavirus-Pandemie stellt die Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Deutschland mittel- und langfristig vor neuartige Herausforderungen und hat bereits zuvor bestehenden Handlungsbedarf verstärkt. Die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina analysiert in der heute veröffentlichten Stellungnahme „Ökonomische Konsequenzen der Coronavirus-Pandemie – Diagnosen und Handlungsoptionen“ die derzeitige wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Situation und leitet daraus mögliche Vorgehensweisen ab, um den bevorstehenden Strukturwandel zu bewältigen. Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zeigen Handlungsoptionen in vier Themenbereichen auf: Strukturwandel und Voraussetzungen für nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum; Ungleichheit und Verteilung; Leistungsfähigkeit staatlicher Organisationen auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene sowie Tragfähigkeit der Staatsfinanzen. Direct Link to PDF (German)

“Ansatzpunkte für eine Stärkung digitaler Pandemiebekämpfung”, Discussion Paper of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2021)
Digitale Werkzeuge sind zu einem wichtigen Baustein für die Eindämmung der Coronavirus-Pandemie geworden. Sie dienen der Kontaktnachverfolgung, unterstützen den öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst und sind für wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen – etwa zur Übertragung des Virus – nützlich. In Form von Apps für Smartphones und tragbaren elektronischen Sensoren zur Abstandsmessung, sogenannte Tags und Wearables, binden sie die Bevölkerung aktiv ein. Wie sich die Wirksamkeit solcher digitalen Werkzeuge bei der Kontaktnachverfolgung verbessern lässt, beschreibt ein Diskussionspapier, das von der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina veröffentlicht wurde. Die Autorinnen und Autoren sehen Bedarf für eine kontinuierliche, nachhaltige und abgestimmte staatliche Strategie für den Einsatz und die Weiterentwicklung digitaler Hilfsmittel sowie für Informationen über die Funktionalitäten, Chancen und Risiken. Direct Link to PDF (German)

“Children and adolescents in the COVID-19 pandemic: Psychosocial and educational challenges and opportunities”, 8th ad-hoc-statement on the coronavirus pandemic, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2021)
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a profound impact on all of our lives. Children and adolescents are particularly affected by the current situation given its impact on their education and various other opportunities for development. The ramifications run even deeper among this age group be-cause childhoodand adolescence are periods of life with unique socialisation requirements, during which experiences are highly formative. Due to the plasticity of the human brain and individual resilience, mostchildren and adolescents will, in all likelihood, be able to overcome the challenges and deficits caused by the pandemic. Some will, however, suffer negative consequences in the short, medium and probably long term. In these cases, the pandemic is often exacerbating existing inequalities and developmental risks. This eighth ad hoc statement on the coronavirus pandemic examines the psychosocial and educational situation of children and adolescentsduring the pandemic and also addressesaspects relating to their motor development. Direct Link to PDF

Data for international health emergencies: governance, operations and skills, Statement of the  der G7 Science Academies (2021)
The coronavirus pandemic shows how important the rapid exchange of data in the event of an international medical crisis really is. The G7 Academies, therefore, recommend in their statement “Data for international health emergencies: governance, operations and skills” the development of a reliable system for the global sharing and use of health data, the development of secure and privacy-preserving technologies and infrastructures, and the promotion of skills and capabilities in handling sensitive data at all levels. Direct Link to PDF

Ad-hoc-statements on the coronavirus pandemic, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2020)
Die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina hat mehrere Ad-hoc-Stellungnahmen zur Coronavirus-Pandemie veröffentlicht, die von interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppen erstellt worden sind. Sie enthalten Empfehlungen, die dem obersten Prinzip folgen, dass die Gesundheit jedes einzelnen Menschen das nicht verhandelbare Ziel aller Maßnahmen gegen die Pandemie ist. Zugleich lassen sich diese Empfehlungen von der Erkenntnis leiten, dass der bestmögliche Gesundheitsschutz nicht in Widerspruch zur schrittweisen Wiederaufnahme und Aufrechterhaltung des gesellschaftlichen Lebens stehen muss, sondern sich beides bei Einhaltung strenger Vorgaben zum Gesundheitsschutz wechselseitig fördern kann. Direct Link to PDF (German)

“How should access to a COVID-19 vaccine be regulated?”, Position paper of the joint working group of members of the Standing Committee on Vaccination, the German Ethics Council and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2020)
The first COVID-19 vaccines could be authorised as early as the start of 2021. However, in all likelihood, there will not be sufficient vaccine doses in the beginning for all the people willing to undergo vaccination. This is why prioritisation will be necessary. In the position paper, medical-epidemiological aspects of infection prevention are presented alongside ethical, legal and practical considerations. On this basis, the authors develop a framework for action for the initial prioritisation of vaccination measures against COVID-19. Direct Link to PDF

“Gemeinsam Schutz aufbauen”, Discussion paper of the German National Academy of Sciences and the  Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg (2019)
Schutzimpfungen sind die beste Strategie, um eine Ansteckung mit schwerwiegenden Infektionskrankheiten zu verhindern. Sie haben weltweit zur Eindämmung von übertragbaren Erkrankungen beigetragen. Die meisten Menschen haben ein hohes Vertrauen in die Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit von Schutzimpfungen. Nur ein kleiner Teil der Bevölkerung nimmt aus sehr unterschiedlichen Gründen Impfungen nicht oder nur unvollständig in Anspruch. Die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina und die Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg haben im Juni 2019 zu diesem Thema das Diskussionspapier „Gemeinsam Schutz aufbauen“ veröffentlicht. Direct Link to PDF (German)

“Improving Global Health. Strategies and Tools to Combat Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases”, Statement of the G20 Science Academies (2017)
Communicable (infectious) and non-communicable (non-infectious) diseases seriously endanger individual wellbeing and global health, and threaten the global economy. Strong short- and long-term evidence-based strategies are needed. The G20 Academies of Sciences call for (1) the strengthening of healthcare and public health systems, (2) applying existing and emerging knowledge, (3) addressing the broader social and environmental determinants of health, (4) reducing serious risk factors for disease through education and promotion of healthy life styles, (5) ensuring access to health resources globally, and (6) enhancing and extending robust strategies for surveillance and information-sharing. Furthering research is a prerequisite for providing knowledge and new tools to meet these challenges. Direkt Link to PDF

“Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance: Threats and Necessary Actions”, Statement of the G7 Science Academies (2015)
Emerging infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance seriously endanger individual and global health. A comprehensive strategy is needed to tackle health threats from infectious diseases – one that requires a much more visible political and public profile and a cross-sectoral approach, involving health, agriculture, development, economy and other policy areas. Direkt Link to PDF

“Academies call for consequences from the Ebola virus epidemic”, Statement of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, acatech – the German Academy of Science and Engineering, and the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities (2014)
The Ebola virus is spreading rapidly and to an unexpected extent. The outbreak does not follow the patterns experienced in the past and the virus shows a new disease dynamic in regions, where it has never been recorded before. The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, acatech – the German Academy of Science and Engineering, and the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities call for the following consequences to be taken: To combat the Ebola epidemic vaccines and antivirals are urgently needed. To meet this need, the further development of experimental vaccines and medicines for clinical application needs to be accelerated. Even if the pathogen should temporarily disappear again, research must continue as a precautionary measure because another outbreak is highly probable. Such precautionary measures must also include ensuring that sufficient quantities of available vaccines and antivirals are stockpiled in case of a new outbreak. Increasing medical and social science research in this area is also vitally important for future preparedness. Direct Link to PDF

“Drug Resistance in Infectious Agents – A Global Threat to Humanity”, Statement of the G8 Science Academies (2013)
From the first antibiotic, penicillin introduced in 1940s, which came into wide scale use in the 1950s, anti-infective drugs to prevent mortality and morbidity arising from infections have unarguably been one of the most effective health interventions(besides chlorination of water and sanitation in general) in the history of modern medicine. Whether used to treat bacterial infections, or tuberculosis, malaria or HIV, these drugs have become a legacy arising from meticulous scientific and medical research over many decades that we all wish to pass on to future generations in as healthy a state as possible. This aim is getting increasingly threatened by the growing problem of drug resistance in infectious disease agents and itsspread globally. The pattern of emergence of drug resistance is almost uniform, independent of drug or infectious agent. It starts slowly, but then rises rapidly following a sigmoid shape of frequency change over time. The silent phase may be a decade or even longer, and its existence often lulls observers into a false sense of security post widespread use of a new drug.In recent decades, the rate of discovery of novel compounds, especially antibiotics, has slowed down considerably. From discovery to market it typically takes 10-15 years. The current need, therefore, is not only to extend the life of existing drugs but also to encourage discovery and development of new anti-infective drugs to combat the threat that drug resistance presents to human health. Direct Link to PDF

“Opportunities and Challenges of Vaccination”, Statement of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2008)
The ad-hoc commission of the Leopoldina studied the current situation of infectious diseases and their prevention by immunization. The problem areas and options for action discussed below together with the current research and development needs provide the background for the recommendations addressed to scientists, political decision makers and the interested general public. Direct Link to PDF (German)